PTF are happy to announce the sale of it's consented site on Brownlow Road, Croydon. We secured planning permission for apartments on this land late in 2020 and have recently sold to another developer and we wish them well building it out. Thank you to all involved.

PTF are continually looking to acquire land and property suitable for investment and development.
In particular, we are interested in the following:
Homes with large gardens including corner properties
Town Centre sites with air space above
Office Buildings
Building/Scrap Yards
Light Industrial premises
Petrol Stations
Hotels/Guest Houses
Care/Nursing Homes and other medical facilities
Land Assembly including gardens of existing properties
If you own a possible development site, please contact us and we will get back to you asap. If you are aware of a possible development site, please do contact us. We pay generous referral fees for any introductions to sites that we acquire.
CALL us at 020 8004 8202